FLORENCE repræsenteret på ANCR Symposium 2024
FLORENCE var repræsenteret med en plakat ved det årlige symposium for Association of the Nordic Cancer Registries (ANCR) i Bodø, Norge, den 28.-30. august 2024.
Foreningens formål er at skabe en vedvarende, organiseret ramme for aktiviteterne i de nordiske kræftregistre for at lette udvekslingen af både videnskabelig og teknisk information, at bidrage til ensartethed af definitioner, der anvendes af registrene, og at lette organiseringen af Nordiske undersøgelser og undersøgelser foreslået af internationale organisationer og forskellige grupper af individer.
Seniorrådgiver ved Kræftregisteret i Norge, Kristin Oterholt Knudsen opsummerede konferencen med tre punkter:
- Øget fokus på kræftforebyggelse, hvor kræftregistre kan spille en central rolle
- Øget fokus på at dele data på tværs af de nordiske lande, og hvordan vi kan udnytte de nyttige data
- Bodø er en meget hyggelig by
Du kan finde Kristins flotte plakat nedenfor eller læse abstraktet (på engelsk) nederst i denne artikel.
Federated Learning Using OMOP Modelling of Health Data for Elevating Colorectal Cancer Care in the Nordic Countries (FLORENCE)
Kristin Oterholt Knudsen3 , Siri Larønningen3 , Espen Enerly1 , Tina Sture1 , Vegar Johansen Dagenborg4 , Severin Elvatun2 , Narasimha Raghavan2 , Svein Erling Tysvær2 , Gintaras Pikelis2 , and Jan F. Nygård2
1 Department of Research, Cancer Registry of Norway, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway.
2 Department of Registry Informatics, Cancer Registry of Norway, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway.
3 Department of Registration, Cancer Registry of Norway, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway.
4 Department of Surgical Oncology, Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in Norway, considering both genders. Surgical removal of the tumor is considered curative for most patients. One in four colorectal cancer patients (CRC) experience post-operative complications, with an equal proportion faced with cancer recurrence. Both with implications for quality-of-life, survival and health economy. Risk stratifying and improving CRC patients with poor health prior to surgery has been shown to side 53 reduce complications post-operatively. Better utilization of registry and hospital data can provide clinicians iin pre-operative risk prior to surgery enabling prehabilitation and ensure that the patient is in an optimal shape, which reduces the risk of post-operative complications. Florence is a collaboration between the Cancer Registry of Norway, Center for Surgical Science, Oslo University Hospital, Lund University, and Technical University of Denmark.
The OMOP Common Data Model, a generic method for standardising the structure and content of observational health data, will be used to harmonize registry data across data partners. Federated learning will be established using Vantage6 technology. The data is collected from the Cancer Registry of Norway and Norwegian Registry for gastrointestinal Surgery (Norgast).
Data from ~30 000 colorectal cancer patients that has undergone surgery has been harmonized to OMOP. In parallel Vantage6 has been tested with synthetic data to set up the infrastructure needed for federated learning.
The project is underway to reach its aim to lay the foundation for a decision-support tool that can improve the treatment of colorectal cancer patients.