Workshop in Oslo, September 2023.

Mette Bierbum Bacher Head of Communications, The Research Department

In September, project partners from Zealand University Hospital and Oslo University Hospital met in Oslo for a workshop facilitated by Martin Høyer Rose, Chief Data Scientist from the Surgical Science Center.

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the clinical questions that the AI tool in the project should provide answers to.
During the workshop, it was evident that working across boundaries and disciplines added value to the project, and by the end of the day, there was a clear goal for the further work on the project.

The more we engage in the fight against cancer, the better we become. I find such a collaboration to be incredibly exciting, and it will generate so many new hypotheses, as well as real quality that can be directly used in the clinic for the benefit of patients.

Jens Ravn Eriksen, Chief consultant and colorectal surgeon at Zealand University Hospital.