General Assembly April 2024

Project FLORENCE is supported by EU funding from Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak and aims to improve the treatment of patients with colorectal cancer by utilizing AI and federated learning. In the project, an AI tool is being developed to serve as decision support for clinicians in the clinic.
At the end of April, all partners of the project, including the Cancer Registry, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Lund University, Computerome, IKNL, and Zealand University Hospital, convened for the project’s general assembly.
In addition to evaluating the progress of the project, the agenda included two workshops:
– One on local models and federated learning
– One on clinical trial design
Chief Data Scientist Martin Høyer Rose and Professor Ismail Gögenur facilitated the two workshops, which sparked engaging discussions. These discussions underscored the partner organizations’ focus on developing data-driven products that can be effectively implemented in clinics, with the overarching goal of improving patient care.